Brian May: From Queen’s Guitarist to NASA’s Bennu Sample Return Mission

Brian May news update

Brian May was the famous guitarist for the rock band Queen. His music captivated listeners, and he also made important contributions to the area of astrophysics. May was very important to NASA’s effort to get samples from the asteroid Bennu, which showed how knowledgeable and interested he is in science.

Brian May making use of stereoscopy to find landing sites

May’s deep understanding of stereoscopy was very helpful in the mission to safely land the OSIRIS-REx probe on Bennu. Stereoscopy combines two pictures of an item taken from different points to make a three-dimensional picture. This was very helpful in finding the best place to land. May worked with NASA’s research team to find a place where the most samples could be taken without putting the spaceship at risk. They did this by looking at pictures from the spacecraft’s cameras. The goal of this complicated planning process was to make sure the mission would be successful.

How the OSIRIS-REx mission turned out well

Because of May’s help, the OSIRIS-REx project was a huge success. The spaceship did an amazing job collecting samples from Bennu. It finished its trip around the sun and returned to Earth in September 2023. The spaceship came back with a piece of rock and dust from Bennu’s surface that weighed about 250 grams. This was an amazing accomplishment. In 2023, NASA gave May the prestigious Distinguished Public Service Medal for his outstanding work, recognizing his key role in the mission’s success.

Brian May Important Part in the Mission

May started working on the OSIRIS-REx project in 2011 when he was asked to join the well-known science group. Scientists were able to make thorough three-dimensional maps of Bennu’s skin thanks to his skill with stereoscopy, which gave them a unique view. Together with his coworkers and using binocular methods, May carefully looked over the pictures taken by the spacecraft’s cameras, carefully going over the data to find the best place to land.

Figure out where the landing site is: Nightingale

May and his coworkers found the crash site known as Nightingale after a careful study and analysis. Nightingale chosen because it was on the surface of Bennu near a big rock and would be safe for the spaceship while also giving scientists the best chance of getting samples. May and the spacecraft’s flight controllers carefully coordinated after carefully evaluating possible risks. This made sure that the landing and sample collection on October 20, 2020, went smoothly.

Brian May has always loved science

Brian May motivated his whole life by his love of science. He studied physics at Imperial College London and then got his PhD in astrophysics in 1974, which solidified his love for the subject. May wrote songs about a wide range of scientific topics, from the mysterious mysteries of the Big Bang to the fascinating depths of black holes and the beginnings of life itself. He did this by combining his scientific knowledge with his musical talent.

A famous scientist who taught and fought for science

May has done a lot to promote science education in addition to his important work on the OSIRIS-REx project. He has pushed for science to be taught in public schools and encouraged young people to learn about science. May wants to teach and inspire others through his public speaking. And then, he showing the huge power and beauty of scientific finding and research.

That being said

Brian May’s amazing work on the OSIRIS-REx project proves that he is a truly talented person who has made a difference in both the music world and the field of science. His knowledge of stereoscopy helped choose a safe place for the spaceship to land, which made it possible to get samples from Bennu. May’s constant love for science shines through in all of his work, inspiring many people around the world. His amazing accomplishments show what amazing things can happen when brilliant people in music and science work together.